Recommended Companies / Links
Because we highly recommend the below listed companies, we have provided a more in-depth company profile which we encourage you to consider at their respective links, or feel free to contact them with their provided contact information.
Agency Resources
Occupational Safety & Health Administration Link:
National Fire Protection Association Link:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Link:
U.S. Department of Transportation Link:
The National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health Link:
Chemtrec is your number 1 resource if you have a hazmat incident. Chemtrec has handled over a million emergencies since its founding as a public service of the American Chemistry Council in 1971. CHEMTREC (CHEMical TRansportation Emergency Center) is dedicated to assisting emergency responders deal with incidents involving hazardous materials and dangerous goods.CHEMTREC also helps shippers of hazardous materials comply with government regulations.
or go straight to their website
For 85 years, CTLGroup has provided clients in the construction, transportation, minerals and related industries with a unique blend of engineering, testing and research services.
RSC or go straight to their website
"Repair Service Corporation is the Midwest's Premier Industrial Fiberglass Plastics Company. Our goal since established in 1981 has been safety and quality craftsmanship. We are unmatched in service."
The definition of an arc flash is “an undesired electric discharge that travels through the air between conductors or from a conductor to a ground.” Use this link through Creative Safety Supply to find out more about Arc Flash Safety Tips and more related electrical safety information.
Nice, easy to peruse site with an ever-growing glossary of electrical terms and knowledge!