Fire & Safety Watch
Worksite fires can spread rapidly and pose a serious threat to all employees working on the site. Our fire watch teams will inspect hazardous areas where there is a danger of fire from welding and other activities that may produce sparks, open flames, and burning of materials.
STS Fire Watch Attendants Will...
- Inspect the entire area designated as hazardous for any type of welding, burning, sparks, and open flame. The fire watch will check the hot work permit and permit tags and ensure the area is free as possible from fire hazards and that proper precaution has been taken to prevent igniting combustible materials.
- Check and inspect the fire-extinguishing equipment. Ask personnel on-site if hose line is available-if yes, pull line and have charged.
- Communicate with, and coordinate the activities of, all departments concerned with fire protection.
- Limit unauthorized use of flame or spark-producing equipment.
- After all spark-producing equipment has been shut down, remain in the hot-work area for at least 30 minutes.
Who's Responsible?
Here are the basic responsibilities of a fire and safety watch:
- Watch out for fire hazards in the workplace while work is performed by other employees.
- Maintain the conditions and requirements stated on the safety permit.
- Keep flammable materials from ignition sources.
- In the event of fire, extinguish it immediately or turn a fire alarm on.
- Call 911 or the emergency alarm number.
- Stop operations if you find any hazardous condition.
We believe our knowledge of health and safety regulations and approaches to on-site services & training, as well as knowledge of the OSHA requirements, gives us the proper insight and perspective for satisfying employer needs.