Our field services include on-site stand-by rescue teams, confined space attendants, fire watch services, and supplied air trailer technicians.


Click here for more about Stand-By Rescue
Should an emergency arise, stand-by rescue team will notify the appropriate local municipal public safety authority while responding to the site of the emergency. After the on-site rescue team has extracted the injured employee(s), basic first aid techniques will be implemented and will continue until the proper authorities arrive.

Click here to download the STS Rescue Team Qualifications Statement


Click here for more about Confined Space Attendants
The confined space attendant ensures the safety of the client's employees and/or contract vendors. The attendant will know the site hazards, the signs of exposure to hazardous materials, continually maintain an accurate count of authorized entrants in a permit-required confined space, continually monitor site conditions, summon rescue and emergency services if an emergency arises, and order evacuations if the site is not safe.

Click here to download the STS CS Attendant Qualifications Statement


Click here for more about Fire Watch
The fire watch will inspect any area designated as hazardous for any type of welding, burning, sparks, or open flame. The fire watch will check the hot work permit and permit tags and ensure the area is as free as possible from fire hazards and that proper precaution has been taken to prevent igniting combustible materials. The fire watch will also inspect the fire-extinguishing equipment, limit unauthorized use of flame or spark-producing equipment, and communicate with and coordinate the departments concerned with fire protection.

Click here to download the STS Fire Watch Qualifications Statement


Click here for more about Air Technicians
The air technician operates and maintains the on-site supplied air system. Specifically, the technician will determine site-specific equipment needs and procedures; set up appropriate SAR equipment for personal use; monitor air supply and equipment usage; and recover, inspect for readiness, and re-supply consumed or inoperable equipment.

Click here to download the STS Air Technician Qualifications Statement

STS Rescue Team Qualifications and Experience

Each member of our rescue team has met or exceeded the following federally mandated minimum requirements for certification:

  • 40-Hr. Hazardous Material & Emergency Response
  • 8-Hr. Confined Space Entry
  • 40-Hr. Industrial/Confined Space Rescue
  • First Aid/CPR/AED Certified
  • OSHA-10 Training

In addition to meeting the above-mentioned requirements, members of our stand-by rescue team have also received extensive training (and are fully certified) in the following areas: 

  • Proper use of appropriate personal protective equipment necessary for rescuing individuals from confined spaces.
  • Proper performance of assigned rescue duties (i.e., duties performed in addition to the mandated duties required of the entrant, attendant, and supervisor made pursuant to OSHA Standard  29 CFR 1910.146 paragraph [g]).
  • Correct application of rescue techniques.


All teams will be invoiced from the time they leave our facility until the time they return (i.e. door-to-door.)

This mobilization time is accounted for on the time & material charge sheets that are signed by your project managers. For all projects, there is a 4-Hr. Minimum Callout charge.

    Projects canceled or rescheduled within 24 hours of the scheduled start time are subject to a $250.00 cancellation fee. 

    Your company may be charged the cost of replacement for any equipment that is damaged or destroyed during a job. If this should occur, your company will be billed the exact cost of replacement

    Projects located more than 50 miles from our corporate office in Hammond, Indiana or projects of long-term duration may be billed for travel, airfare, vehicle rental, food and/or lodging. All job reports and expense reports are available upon request. If you have questions about expenses you may be charged, please call our office for a cost proposal.