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8 Great Ways to Improve the Indoor Air Quality in Your Office or Home

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Tue, Oct 21, 2014 @ 10:00 AM

Indoor air quality can impact the health, comfort, well-being, and productivity of building occupants, and therefore, is a major concern to businesses, managers, and employees.

indoor air quality, air quality, health and safety,As Americans we spend up to 90% of our time indoors and many of us spend much, if not most, of our working hours in an office environment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted studies that show how indoor environments sometimes can have levels of pollutants that are actually higher than levels found outside.

Pollutants in our indoor environment can increase the risk of illness. Indoor air pollution is an important environmental health problem, as shown by several scientific studies. And although,  severe indoor air quality problems may not be an issue in most buildings, even well-run buildings can sometimes experience times of poor indoor air quality.

In 1989, the EPA reported that improved indoor air quality can result in higher productivity and fewer lost work days. It is also estimated that poor indoor air may cost the nation tens of billions of dollars each year in lost productivity and medical care.

All of the occupants of a building can have a great influence on indoor air quality. Something as “everyday” as heating food in a microwave or using the photocopier can generate odors and pollutants. Once we understand and are aware of indoor air issues, we can help prevent these problems.

8 ways to improve the indoor air quality in your office: 

Don’t block air vents.

Don’t smoke in building or within 8 feet of any building doorway.

If you have office plants, maintain them.

If you make/see a water spill, clean it up. Water can lead to molds & fungi.

Stay on top of garbage! Dispose of it promptly and regularly.

Don’t leave food out. Store it properly!

Avoid bringing things into the building that has potential to release harmful odors or contaminants.

If you suspect an indoor air quality problem, contact your building manager immediately!

Indoor air quality is a constantly changing interaction of complex factors that affect the types, levels, and importance of pollutants in indoor environments. It is not an easily defined concept, as there are many factors that affect comfort or perception of indoor air quality. Some of the factors include:

  • Sources of pollutants or odors
  • Design, maintenance, and operation of building ventilation systems
  • Moisture and humidity
  • Occupant perceptions and susceptibilities

Controlling indoor air quality involvespollutants, biohazards, biological, indoor air quality integrating three main strategies.

The first is managing the source of pollutants. You can do so by either removing them from the building or by isolating them from people through physical barriers, air pressure relationships, or by controlling the timing of their use. Secondly, you may dilute pollutants and remove them from the building through ventilation. Lastly, use filtration to clean the air of pollutants.

Minimizing people’s exposure to pollutants is an important goal of an indoor air quality program. Sources of pollutants can be indoor or outdoor. This includes, but is not limited to, building maintenance activities, pest control, housekeeping, renovation or remodeling, new furnishings or finishes, and building occupant activities.

Some of the key categories are:

  • Biological contaminants

    • Allergic responses to indoor biological pollutant exposures cause symptoms in allergic individuals and also play a key role in triggering asthma episodes for an estimated 15 million Americans.

  • Chemical pollutants

  • Particles

indoor air quality, air quality, health and safety, pollutants, biohazards, biological,Some pollutants can cause both short and long term health problems. For example, prolonged exposure to environmental tobacco smoke can cause lung cancer, and short term exposures can result in irritation and significant respiratory problems for some people, particularly young children.

It is also important to control moisture and relative humidity in occupied spaces. The presence of moisture and dirt can cause molds and other biological contaminants to thrive.

Besides the factors that directly impact the levels of pollutants to which people are exposed, a number of environmental and personal factors can affect how people perceive air quality. Some of these factors affect both the levels of pollutants and perceptions of air quality.

  • Odors
  • Temperature - too hot or cold
  • Air velocity and movement - too drafty or stuffy
  • Heat or glare from sunlight
  • Glare from ceiling lights, especially on monitor screens
  • Furniture crowding
  • Stress in the workplace or home
  • Feelings about physical aspects of the workplace: location, work environment, availability of natural light, and the aesthetics of office design, such as color and style.
  • Work space ergonomics, including height and location of computer, and adjustability of keyboards and desk chairs
  • Noise and vibration levels
  • Selection, location, and use of office equipment

Ask your supervisor or office manager who to talk with if you have a concern about any of these factors. If you do suspect that your building has an indoor air quality problem or if you or others at your office are experiencing health or comfort problems that you suspect may be caused by indoor pollution, remember the following:

  • Inform the building management of your concerns. Be sure to follow the proper channels.
  • Talk with your doctor or other health care provider, and report your problems to the company physician, nurse, or health and safety officer.
  • Cooperate with management during any indoor air quality investigation. Your input can aid in the sometimes difficult process of identifying and solving problems.

If you have any indoor air quality questions or other safety & health related questions, please leave us a comment below or contact us by clicking here. If you are looking for safety training related to this (or any other subject), check out our Training Services page to see what we currently have scheduled. Lastly, if you need monitors for air quality testing or personal monitors for employees, our Technical Services has safety equipment for sale or rent!

Tags: biohazards, pollutants, health and safety, biological, indoor air quality, air quality, ways to improve air quality

Biohazards in the Workplace

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Wed, Jan 16, 2013 @ 09:46 AM

Biohazards?! That sounds like something out of a science fiction movie or better left to somebody in a white coat in a lab somewhere, right?


Biohazards are anything of biological origin that can cause harm to humans. So, although you WOULD find these things in a laboratory or in a sci fi flick, you also become contaminated with them on a pretty regular basis even at your workplace. 

Ask yourself these questions....Biohazard Sneeze

"Did anyone sneeze around me today and NOT cover their nose/mouth?"

"Have I flown in an airplane recently?"

"How often are the door knobs cleaned in your workplace bathroom?"

"Has a co-worker asked you to assist putting a Band-Aid on?"

If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes." then chances are, you were exposed to a biohazard or biohazardous material(s). "Bio" means life and "hazard" is something potentially dangerous. 

In an era of biohazards, first aid training is a must. Of course we see the need for trained responders, first aid kits and AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) in the workplace, but do you know how to wrap a gauze bandage? Do you see the need to wear disposable gloves? Despite causing serious or lethal disease and sometimes death, bloodborne pathogens and other biohazards command little attention from most people. 

Bloodborne pathogens are pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can be transmitted and cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). These are examples addressed by the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standard 29 CFR 1910.1030. Malaria (mosquito-borne infectious disease) and syphilis (sexually transmitted infection) are also caused by bloodborne pathogens. Body fluids (other than blood; saliva, urine, etc.) may also transmit diesases. Many of these diseases are infectious and should be addressed not only for your health but to prevent the spread of infection to others in the workplace and beyond.

There are six common ways in which infectious agents spread:

On-to-one contact Direct Direct physical contact between infected individual and susceptible host. (Shaking hands)
  Indirect Infectious agent deposited onto an object or surface and survives long enough to transfer to another person who subsequently touches the object. (Cell phones, shared phones, light switches, door knobs)
  Droplet  Contact, but transmission is through the air. (Sneezing, coughing)
Non-contact Airborne  Transmissions via aerosols. (Ventilation systems)
  Vehicle  A single contaminated source spreads the infection to multiple hosts. (Outbreak from infected food)
  Vectorborne  Transmission through insect or animal vectors. (Mosquitos/malaria)

So how to avoid we avoid spread of infectious disease? Well, the simplest answer is to maintain good hygiene (wash hands/body), be aware of the proper PPE for dealing with biohazards, and to remember to always sterilize/disinfect your working area and equipment.

But for a more clear, concise idea of how to keep safe from bloodborne pathogens as a first responder, we will now discuss the 9 best practices for doing so.

  1. Biohazard SymbolTreat every situation as potentially dangerous. OSHA's universal precautions require that all human blood or other potentially infectious materials be considered hazardous.
  2. Protect your hands! Notice I didn't just say "wear gloves," because that's really just a piece of the puzzle. Gloves are a "yes" but you should remember to cover any cuts or sores with a bandage before putting gloves on. Pay attention to the gloves as well. If they are too thin, double up; if they are torn or ripped (no matter how small!), throw them away and get a new pair. Click here for a video of proper glove removal. Dispose of them not in the garbage, but in a designated biohazard bag and make sure to wash & scrub your hands thoroughly (with soap!) afterwards. 
  3. Protect your eyes/face! While providing medical assistance or cleaning up a spill, you may need to watch out for splashing or vaporization of the contaminated fluids. Wearing goggles will protect your eyes from transmission through your eye membranes. Using a face shield as well, will protect your nose and mouth from splashes.
  4. Body protection! In attempt to protect your clothing and to keep blood or other contaminated fluids from soaking through your clothes to your exposed skin, you may wear aprons or a body shield. Shoe covers are also available for avoiding contamination of your footwear.
  5. Clean up! Obviously, you need to clean up the contaminated environment when finished working. For blood or other body fluids from sick or injured employees, always use gloves and situationally, you may need to utilize some (or all) of the above-mentioned PPE. Remember that ammonia is a good all-around cleaner (especially for blood), but be careful of discoloration on certain fabrics. And NEVER mix ammonia with bleach, it can be FATAL and extremely dangerous.
  6. Properly dispose of waste! Now that you've cleaned up, just throw the rags/gloves in the trash, right?! WRONG. You may have a biohazard bag to use, in which case, do so. At the very least, designate a bag, mark it "biohazard" and drop your items in there. This is an important step and should not be overlooked. Does it make sense to take all that time and effort to clean up, only to have the mess you just cleaned up fall out onto the ground re-contaminated the area because some other piece of trash punctured a hole in the garbage bag while you were carrying it around.  Biohazardous waste must be disposed of at an EPA-approved waste recycling facility.  One of the most convenient ways to do this is by using a mail back waste service.
  7. Proper sharp disposal. For any sharp material (broken glass, needles, etc.) use a broom & dustpan or a shovel to pick up and dispose of the items in an appropriate container. Do not throw them into your biohazard bag (again because of puncture holes & releasing your contaminates) and NEVER use your hands (even with gloves) to pick them up. 
  8. Decon, decon, decon! Decontamination plays such an important role and is overlooked at times. We don't want whatever was all over those instruments contaminating everything else! Wipe your hands down with an antiseptic wipe and allow them to air dry. Then.....wash you hands again!
  9. More decon! Well, equipment this time; the last thing you should do is decontaminate and sterilize all non-disposable equipment and tools (mops, buckets, etc.) used as soon as possible.
Keep in mind that not all these steps will be used/taken in every situation, but having these in your mind will help you stay as safe as possible and will keep you and those around you (home, work, public) free from biohazardous contamination.
A big thank you to the official OSHA website and ISHN magazine for some great resources & reference on biohazards in the workplace.

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Bloodborne Pathogen  Training Course

Tags: biohazards, biohazards in the workplace, first aid