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The Importance of Safety Training & How It Can 100% Prevent Accidents

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Tue, Jan 14, 2014 @ 11:00 AM

Training is, by one definition, "a process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for an art, profession, or job." Training has specific goals of improving one's capability, productivity, and performance in the specific area.

importance of safety training, safety training, safety training companies, safety training services, safety training classesThis means that prior to starting a job or a specific task; you must be trained to a level necessary for safe completion. The importance of this is paramount. It is not only cost effective to the company to practice safe procedures and train employees properly, but ultimately, we are putting lives at risk if training is not done or done incorrectly.

I want to explore the “importance of safety training” and why you should decide to invest your time and money into getting properly trained.

The first and most important reason: Reduce accidents.

This alone should trigger instantly as a ‘must.’ The reason from an individual’s standpoint should be obvious; accidents can too easily lead to death. That’s it, case closed. No more work, no more family, nothing. And not to mention the aftermath that someone else will have to deal with. This is not to scare you, but more so to shed light on the fact that reducing accidents is simply a must. In fact, many “accidents” aren’t accidents at all. They are operator related. We may label them as an accident, but if the operator truly knew the machine/job they were doing, and the safest way to do it, they would be able to be avoid the hazards entirely. Most ‘accidents’ are 100% preventable.

This brings me to the reasoning from a company standpoint. Yes, of course an individual would want safety training and I’m sure companies would see the importance of it. But I’m not writing this to discuss hypotheticals. The truth is, it is more often than not, the company that decides whether or not to send employees to training. And another fact is that I read about employees getting hurt or worse almost every day in various industries and so much of this can be prevented by simply conducting safety training properly. If the company cannot provide this safety training, they must recognize the dire importance (especially in high hazard workplaces) and inquire into a quality safety training company. Again, this is real world we are talking about and therefore time and money are something many companies need to factor into the equation before they can reach the result. Many companies see those two things as the main factor or deterrent in their choice. Understandably, I would like to take it further than just the cost of the training, or the cost of the employee’s time to take it. Let’s look at the REAL cost of an accident and then weigh that against the (at that point) seemingly meager price of quality safety training.

Accidents are more expensive than many people realize because in addition to the direct costsimportance of safety training, safety training, safety training companies, safety training services, safety training classes (medical costs, compensation payments, etc.) you’ll have indirect costs. Indirect costs include, but are not limited to: costs to train a replacement worker, repairing damaged property, cost to investigate the accident. Now take it one step further and you’ll see even more costs that aren’t as obvious, such as added administrative time, lower morale, increased absenteeism, and poorer customer relations. These costs are sometimes much higher than the simple direct costs. In fact, OSHA states that the lower the direct costs of an accident, the higher the ratio of indirect to direct costs. The more accidents that occur in a workplace, the higher the costs — both in increased insurance premiums and greater indirect costs.

If you would like to see more specifics of estimating and calculating the true cost of workplace injuries, Safety Management Group has an easy to use calculator found by clicking here.


More reasons to consider the importance of safety training:

  • importance of safety training, safety training, safety training companies, safety training services, safety training classes

    Training can improve business performance, profit and staff morale.

  • In addition to reducing accidents, training your staff can result in safer work practices and even productivity improvements.

  • By training your employees or allowing time for training, you demonstrate that you value them enough to invest in them. This improves loyalty and retention, with retention being the benefit for you.

  • They acquire new skills, increasing their contribution to the business and building their self-esteem

Remember, action is always faster than reaction. Therefore, it is better to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to safety and/or safety training. If you take the time to analyze then you have a much higher chance that nothing will happen. Hopefully, this has motivated you take action! To seek out quality safety training now, as opposed to waiting until OSHA has stepped in or even worse, waiting until a workplace injury or death occurs.

Don’t get burned by mediocre training because they didn’t do it right the first time. Contact Safety Training Services, Inc. today and get “Real Experience. Real Training. Real Results.”

Show me the classes!

Tags: safety training, safety training services, importance of safety training, safety training classes, safety training companies

Top 10 OSHA Violations & How Safety Training Services Can Assist You

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Thu, Feb 14, 2013 @ 12:02 PM


During their 2012 fiscal year (which ran from October 2011 through September 2012), federal OSHA conducted almost 41,000 workplace safety and health inspections. Very interestingly enough, it seemed as though companies didn’t take the hint from the previous year in that the top cited violation is not only still number 1, but actually increased from fiscal year 2011. Below, you find the top 10 citations they handed out to companies for 2012 and further down you may be interested to see the previous year’s top 10 as well.


OSHA Top 10 ViolationsOSHA’s Top 10 for 2012

          1. Fall Protection--General Requirements (1926.501) 7,250 violations (No change)

          2. Hazard Communication (1910.1200): 4,696 violations (Up 1)

          3. Scaffolding (1926.451): 3,814 violations (Down 1)

          4. Respiratory Protection (1910.134): 2,371 violations (No change)

          5. Ladders (1926.1053): 2,310 violations (Up 3)

          6. Machine Guarding (1910.212): 2,097 violations (Up 4)

          7. Powered Industrial Trucks (1910.178): 1,993 violations (No change)

          8. Electrical--Wiring Methods (1910.305): 1,744 violations (Down 2)

          9. Lockout/Tagout (1910.147): 1,572 violations (Down 4)

          10. Electrical--General Requirements (1910.303): 1,332 violations (Down 1)


OSHA’s Top 10 for 2011

  1. Fall Protection--General requirements (1926.501): 7,139 violations
  2. Scaffolding (1926.451): 7,069 violations
  3. Hazard Communication (1910.1200): 6,538 violations
  4. Respiratory Protection (1910.134): 3,944 violations
  5. Lockout/Tagout (1910.147): 3,639 violations
  6. Electrical--Wiring Methods (1910.305): 3,584 violations
  7. Powered Industrial Trucks (1910.178): 3,432 violations
  8. Ladders (1926.1053): 3,244 violations
  9. Electrical--General Requirements (1910.303): 2,863 violations
  10. Machine Guarding (1910.212): 2,748 violations

Don't become a statistic!

So what should you do, now armed with this knowledge? Well, first thing is get up and simply take a look around your office/plant/factory. Do you see any of these standards violated? In the safety world, if you think you have a problem....chances are you do! If you do not know you have violations or do not know how to look for them, that's perfectly understandable--you are not alone. This is where Safety Training Services can help!

Your next step should be to identify these issues. Have you found them to be problems in training (or lack thereof)? Or retraining (annual refresher courses)? Unsatisfied with previous training/trainers? Remember, ignorance is bliss....until you get a visit from OSHA. We will train (and/or retrain) you and your employees on OSHA compliance & other safety-related courses. Our site or yours, our hands-on courses will provide you with appropriate training to keep you safe and trained consistent to OSHA requirements.

Maybe your issue is equipment? Whether you need new, used, rentals, servicing or just to figure out what equipment to use for a specific job, speaking to one of our professionals in our Technical division will help you find the right tool for the job in whatever capacity necessary. 

Or simply contact our safety consulting division at (219) 554-2180 and found out how we will help identify problems and conduct a safety-related gap analysis for your company. 

Contact STS Today!

Tags: osha training, safety training, osha compliance, safety training services, osha violations

5 Points On Outside Training Over In-House Training

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Tue, Oct 02, 2012 @ 10:30 AM
Every day, companies must make effective decisions about their business. Operator Safety and the correct delivery system for that training is certainly a decision that has to be appropriate, effective and economical.

The Question: Should you have a supervisor or senior employee be your trainer or should you hire an outside training company?

Here are a few points to consider in that decision:

'Money' photo (c) 2009, Andrew Magill - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Universal Language of “Money” – outside trainers are without question less expensive compared to the organizational risk, salary differential, overtime and cost of retraining a new trainer if the current one leaves the company. Dollar for dollar, an outside trainer has little downside risk for the company since there is no loss of expertise when the trainer leaves the organization. You get exactly what you need, whenever you need it; regardless of any personnel changes within your organization.

Consistency of Quality – outside trainers maintain the same quality and consistency of training in both their course content and the delivery of that content. High quality training is their commodity; and they are counting on your complete satisfaction. They have more objectivity and are free from internal social or political biases so often affecting a company’s internal training results.

Compliance and Updates - changes often occur in safety and compliance with OSHA training regulations. Outside trainers can update the customer, keep them compliant and informed of new developments and interpretations by OSHA that may affect the company. Outside firms have personnel regularly available with the experience in the training industry to offer their customers additional and on-going counseling and advice regardless of the specific topic.

Outside TrainingFlexibility and Mobility - training firms can conduct training in most venues and locales regardless of distance or accommodations. They are focused on getting the training done correctly and not on the “sacrifice” they are making for the company in terms of their other duties. Contracted Trainers carry literally suitcases of training equipment and materials that allows them to conduct a session in almost any situation, geographic location or audience.


Credibility/Record Keeping – outside trainers bring a resume of experience in training competitors, similar industry companies, and leading industry companies. The client gets the direct benefit of these diverse and experienced trainers. This experience and know-how is very hard to find in-house for the average company. Trainers are often former supervisors, managers and safety professionals that have done the job themselves successfully and have the skills and training to deliver training for others. Lastly – record keeping is extremely important to the company in order to validate the students training credentials to the company and certainly to OSHA when requested. Professional training firms maintain these records very well, both in printed and electronic forms. 


Contact STS Today!

Tags: safety training services, outside training, osha training program, in-house training

4 Benefits of & the Importance of Safety Training

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Tue, Sep 25, 2012 @ 03:11 PM

Safety Training--Why So Important?

September is National Preparedness Month, but we here at Safety Training Services, Inc. feel it is important to speak briefly about the importance of training at any date, especially in the workplace.

Merriam-Webster defines "training" as the skill, knowledge or experience acquired by one that trains. Specifically, "safety training" is for employees or even individuals working within the industrial and/or construction industries. 

OSHA states that education and training provides employers, managers, supervisors, and workers with:

  • Knowledge and skills needed to do their work safely and avoid creating hazards that could place themselves or others at risk.
  • Awareness and understanding of workplace hazards and how to identify, report, and control them.
  • Specialized training, when their work involves unique hazards.

Many in these industries utilize equipment that has associated hazards intrinsic to its' use.Forklift Training

For example, forklifts, scissor lifts, boom lifts, even ladders, scaffolds or powered hand tools; just to name a few. Employee safety training is the necessary action or preventative action in order to instruct and teach your employee about the hazards and provide them the correct OSHA policies and procedures to stay safe while operating the machine or tool within the workplace. 

 Specifically, there are many benefits to training:

  • Statistically, less accidents!
  • Increased efficiency & productivity
  • Improves employee morale
  • Less time/manpower wasted on supervision and/or micromanagement
So why wait until the unthinkable happens? Contact STS and discuss your training requirements with one of our safety and hazardous materials specialists today!

Contact STS Today!

Tags: safety training, safety training services, importance of safety training