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OSHA's Top 10 Violations for 2015 and Trends for 2016

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Fri, Oct 16, 2015 @ 09:30 AM

OSHA recently announced this fiscal year's preliminary list of their "Top 10" most frequently cited workplace safety violations. Below, you will find the list as well some insight on OSHA's new approach to inspections and trends for 2016. In the coming weeks, we will be releasing blog articles written with the intent of showcasing these top violations, and how to avoid them.

The "Top 10" for FY 2015 are:Fall protection is still the most cited OSHA safety violation

  1. Fall Protection (Construction) 
    • Standard Cited: 1926.501 - 6,721 violations
    • Violations up (6,143 in FY 2014)
  2. Hazard Communication
    • Standard Cited: 1910.1200 - 5,192 violations
    • Violations up (5,161 in FY 2014)
  3. Scaffolding (Construction)
    • Standard Cited: 1926.451 - 4,295 violations
    • Violations up (4,029 in FY 2014)
  4. Respiratory Protection
    • Standard Cited: 1910.134 - 3,305 violations
    • Violations down (3,223 in FY 2014)
  5. Lockout/Tagout
    • Standard Cited: 1910.147 - 3,002 violations
    • Violations up (2,704 in FY 2014)
  6. Powered Industrial Trucks
    • Standard Cited: 1910.178 - 2,760 violations
    • Violations up (2,662 in FY 2014)
  7. Ladders (Construction)
    • Standard Cited: 1926.1053 - 2,489 violations
    • Violations up (2,448 in FY 2014)
  8. Electrical-Wiring Methods
    • Standard Cited: 1910.305 - 2,404 violations
    • Violations down (2,490 in FY 2014)
  9. Machine Guarding
    • Standard Cited: 1910.212 - 2,295 violations
    • Violations up (2,200 in FY 2014)
  10. Electrical-General Requirements
    • Standard Cited: 1910.303 - 1,973 violations
    • Violations down (2,056 in FY 2014)

Remember, these are what causes the majority of injuries and deaths as well as what a compliance officer would look for most often during inspections.

Also, OSHA had announced that it will change the way it approaches inspections. The plan was to (starting this month, October 2015) emphasize quality over quantity. The idea was that OSHA would then be able to tackle more complicated, time-consuming inspections and therefore more impactful inspections. There is a bit of pressure under the current system to make the numbers, and hopefully with a new system, more meaningful and effective inspections can occur and lead to improved worker safety.

The last piece to note is about enforcement trends. As the number of inspections may change going into 2016 due to the changes in their approach to inspections, the trend of paying higher fines per citation has been continued into 2015 and may very well continue into 2016 seeing as the new system of inspections will focus on these more impactful inspections. Also to note on that subject is OSHA's Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP) which saw an almost 25% increase from 2014 to 2015, and continues onwards to today. Lastly, many more OSHA inspections are brought about by employee complaints, as OSHA has reached out to employees directly and allows easier access for them to go online and reach out to OSHA. Unjustifed complaints come in, due to disgrunted employees or whatnot, but this can be reduced by creating good safety culture within their workplace. Expect this trend of more concerned employees reaching out to continue.

Tags: osha training, osha most cited, OSHA, osha compliance, osha top violations, osha safety, osha general industry training, osha safety topics, osha violations, osha safety training, osha violations 2015

Safety Training--An Easy Way to Save Thousands In 2016!

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Tue, Sep 01, 2015 @ 09:00 AM

Safety training is an important part of any business. Not just for those going into confined spaces or other hazardous atmospheres, but for those going into a formal office, a hospital, or anything in between. Safety training is a phrase often used to describe the training materials designed to teach occupational safety and health standards developed by various safety governing entities such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), ANSI (American National Standards Institute), EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), or DOL (Department of Labor). Employers in the United States have a legal responsibility to educate employees on all workplace safety standards and the hazards their employees may face while working on the job. Proper safety training, whether through the employer or a third-party contractor, meets this requirement. 

What are the benefits of safety training? Well, appropriate safety training can be linked to a reduction in the following:

  • the number of injuries and deaths
  • property damage
  • legal liability
  • illnesses
  • workers' compensation claims
  • missed work

For safety training to be successful, participants must be able to demonstrate knowledge of the standard and how it applies to their specific job. If presented correctly by a qualified trainer, it can promote a strong culture of safety in the workplace, one where veteran employees follow proper safety rules & guidelines and assist in promoting the same for new hires. This is achieved by both good, safety-conscious employees and solid trainers who keep employees engaged and keep their training program relevant and not too generalized.

But what happens when you neglect safety training at your workplace? In addition to a potential increase of the things listed above, here are a few times employers have felt the sting in their financial bottom line as well. Below, I have itemized OSHA citations reported in Jun-Aug 2015 for infractions of neglecting safety training for their employees. It's much cheaper to hire someone to do your training if you are unable to handle it yourself than to wait until OSHA hits you with related fines.

Company: Bigston Corporation
Inspection Site: Elk Grove Village, IL
Date of Findings: March 5, 2015

Type of Violation: Serious

29 CFR 1910. 134(k)(1): The employer did not provide respirator training that would ensure each employee could demonstrate knowledge of items in section (i)-(vii).

Penalty: $4,200.00


Company: Grimco Inc.
Inspection Site: Akron, OH
Date of Findings: June 3, 2015


Type of Violation: Serious

29 CFR 1910.147(c)(7)(i): The employer did not provide training to ensure that the purpose and function of the energy control program are understood by employees and that the knowledge and skills required for the safe application, usage, and removal of the energy controls are acquired by employees.

Penalty: $7,000.00


Company: Wilbert, Inc.
Inspection Site: Bellevue, OH
Date of Findings: February 2, 2015

Type of Violation: Serious

29 CFR 1910.174(c)(7)(i): The employer did not provide adequate training to ensure that the purpose and function of the energy control program was understood by employees.

Penalty: $7,000.00


Company: D.R. Diedrich & Co.
Inspection Site: Milwaukee, WI
Date of Findings: February 2015

Type of Violation: Serious

29 CFR 1910.174(c)(7)(i)(A): Authorized employee(s) did not receive training in the recognition of applicable hazardous energy sources, the type and magnitude of the energy available in the workplace, and the methods and means necessary for energy isolation.

Penalty: $6,300.00


Company: Ansley Metal Fabrication and Repair
Inspection Site: Donalsonville, GA
Date of Findings: March 26, 2015

Type of Violation: Serious

29 CFR 1926.761(b): The employer did not train each employee exposed to a fall hazard in accordance with the requirements of 29 CFR 1926.761.

Penalty: $4,900.00


Company: New Homes Construction, Inc.
Inspection Site: Medford, NJ
Date of Findings: February 12, 2015

Type of Violation: Serious

29 CFR 1926.503(a)(2): The employer did not assure that each employee exposed to fall hazards was trained by a competent person qualified in the areas specified in 29 CFR 1926.503(a)(2)(i) through (viii).

Penalty: $3,080.00

Type of Violation: Serious

29 CFR 1926.1060(a): The employer did not provide a training program for each employee using ladders and stairways, as necessary, which would train each employee in the procedures to be followed to minimize hazards related to ladders and stairways.

Penalty: $3,080.00


Company: Elite Storage Solutions, LLCFire_extinguisher_ad_4x6x
Inspection Site: Monroe, GA
Date of Findings: January 28, 2015

Type of Violation: Serious

29 CFR 1910.147(c)(7)(i): The employer did not provide training to ensure that the purpose and function of the energy control program are understood by employees and that the knowledge and skills required for the safe application, usage, and removal of the energy controls are acquired by employees.

Penalty: $7,000.00

Type of Violation: Serious

29 CFR 1910.157(g)(l): An educational program was not provided for all employees to familiarize them with the general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient stage fire fighting. The employer expected employees to use extinguishers to use extinguishers to fight incipient level fires, but did not implement a training program for the use of fire extinguishers.

Penalty: $5,500.00


As you can see, the above fine amounts aren't generally high enough amounts to warrant closing up your company's doors, but they will certainly impact your profitability. Even more important is the realization that after paying the fine, you still have to pay for the training as well. Which can effectively double the initial cost if you were to train your employees in the first place. That number wouldn't even have taken into consideration the potential increase of compensation claims, property damage, missed work, injuries, legal liabilities and everything else discussed earlier. Keep in mind too that OSHA has made it easy to anonymously tip them off to an unsafe workplace. One phone call or email can now much more easily give an inspector a reason to visit. You must always take employee complaints seriously. In the case of the last two sources, you can see that having two fines for training can add up. If you expect your employees to use the provided fire extinguishers, you must train them in proper usage and be sure to have someone designated to check them monthly. Last of note is the company that did not have a qualified person train their employees; be sure if you are training your employees yourself, or in-house, that you (or whomever is doing the safety training) is qualified to do so. You may decide it be best to hire an outside person or company to do your safety training, but again, be sure they are at a qualified level to conduct the training. If you have any questions about this subject, feel free to contact us here at Safety Training Services by clicking below!

Click here to  contact STS

Tags: osha training, safety, safety training, training, osha safety training, osha violations 2015

OSHA Announced Their Top 10 Most Cited Violations for 2014

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Mon, Sep 22, 2014 @ 09:00 AM

OSHA's preliminary top 10 violations for fiscal year 2014 were recently announced at the National Safety Council Expo by the deputy director of OSHA's Directorate of Enforcement Programs, Patrick Kapust.

Before we cover those most cited standards, let's a look at a few statistics from 2013.

  • The 3,929 fatal work injuries that occurred in private industry isSafety training - Driver fell asleep at the wheel the lowest total since BLS began collecting this data more than 20 years ago.
  • Transportation-related incidents accounted for 40% of all fatal work injuries, but declined in 2013.
  • One out of six fatal work injuries was the result of violence – including suicide and homicide.
  • Fatal work injuries involving contractors accounted for 17% of all fatal work injuries in 2013.

In some aspects things are better, but clearly, we still have much work to do. Based on 2013's numbers, on average, there are 85 deaths a week or more than 12 deaths every day. Despite being the lowest total since the fatal injury census was first conducted in 1992, that's still too many deaths!

Many, if not close to all, of these deaths are preventable with proper training and a conscience decision from all parties involved to do things as safe as possible and report unsafe actions. As you can see in the most frequently cited standards, many are still "doing it the way we always have done it." For some, this is laziness or a disregard for safety; and for others, it is simply ignorance to the rules and guidelines. The numbers below should be a reminder that we do still have much to do, and that will be hard without open dialogue and a decision to do better for the sake of all those who became a statistic below.

Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards for FY 2014:


  1. Fall Protection (Construction) (29 CFR 1926.501) 6,143 violations
    1. Examples being: failing to use fall protection correctly or failing to provide fall protection.
  2. Hazard Communications (29 CFR 1910.1200) 5,161 violations
    1. Examples being: failing to have safety data sheets (SDS) for each chemical in the workplace or chemical labeling mistakes.
  3. Scaffolding (Construction) (29 CFR 1926.451) 4,029 violations
    1. Examples being: loading scaffolds in excess of their capacity or failing to protect employees from fall hazards on scaffolds.
  4. Respiratory Protection (29 CFR 1910.134) 3,223 violations
    1. Examples being: lack of a written program or failing to train employees.
  5. Lockout / Tagout (29 CFR 1910.147) 2,704 violationslockout tagout training
    1. Examples being: complete lack of a hazardous energy control program or failing to apply locks.
  6. Powered Industrial Trucks (29 CFR 1910.178) 2,662 violations
    1. Examples being: lack of operator training or forklifts not in safe operating condition.
  7. Electrical - Wiring Methods (29 CFR 1910.305) 2,490 violations
    1. Examples being: conductors enter boxes unprotected or employees are exposed to live contacts.
  8. Ladders (Construction) (29 CFR 1926.1053) 2,448 violations
    1. Examples being: using an inappropriate type of ladder for the job or using a ladder not designed for the load it is carrying.
  9. Machine Guarding (29 CFR 1910.212) 2,200 violations
    1. Examples being: not using guards at point of operation for machinery that may pose a hazard or guards are removed by employees.
  10. Electrical - General Requirements (29 CFR 1910.303) 2,056 violations
    1. Examples being: not having workers appropriately trained to avoid electric shock or electrocution or not guarding live parts.
      Fall protection, safety harness
Seeing fall protection at the top as the the most cited OSHA violationshouldn't surprise you. If you haven't noticed, that is its fourth year in a row at that spot! The data presented here is preliminary. The finalized data and additional details will be posted in December. Check back then when we will update this article (or post a new one) to include the revised  and additional data.

In the meantime, share this information with others! Whether its by emailing or sharing this article on social media sites, or by simple word of mouth at work or with friends. This information is worth most when everyone has the knowledge to prevent these types of accidents. Even if you don't work for a multibillion dollar company, think of the small businesses that have so much to think about that they are oblivious to these facts. To a small company, something so small as a simply hand injury can cost tens of thousands of dollars when you consider direct/indirect costs, medical bills, worker's comp, legal fees, etc.

Do your part and help create a safe working environment for all! If you enjoyed this article, please add STS on Facebook or Twitter. As always, if you have ANY safety-related questions, feel free to email us or contact us online!

Tags: osha training, osha violations 2014, osha most cited, safety training, osha compliance, osha top violations, osha violations

Fireworks Safety Tips and Why America Celebrates July with Explosions

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Thu, Jul 03, 2014 @ 01:00 PM

Independence Day (AKA ‘Fourth of July’) has been celebrated with fireworks since 1776, when the United States declared its independence from Great Britain (now known as the United Kingdom).

fireworks safety, safety training, summer safety, burn safetyFireworks themselves are dated back to 7th century China, where they were invented and used in many festivities. Fast forward to mid-17th century; Europe was blown away by Chinese fireworks and the popularity would rise and they were used for celebration of many important events. Finally in the late 18th century, the early European settlers brought this love of fireworks to this country and used them as rally devices, political attractions, and of course to celebrate important events.

In times past, pyrotechnicians were highly respected individuals and the art of making fireworks was a complex science with its own knowledge and techniques. Today, we have fireworks displays for festivals and celebrations, and even competitions, around the world. Did you know that the largest consumer of fireworks in the United States is the Walt Disney Corporation?

Unfortunately somewhere down the line fireworks got arguably too popular and now we have many individual consumers purchasing and igniting their own. This isn’t in itself bad, but two things are happening: people are not taking proper safety precautions and the injuries are piling up yearly, and other people are making their own. Remember when I said pyrotechnics were an art and a science? Making your own fireworks is a recipe for disaster unless you are a professional, and the numbers below will show it. Despite the dangers of fireworks, few people seem to truly understand the associated risks including devastating burns, other injuries, fires, and even death.

Failure to follow these fireworks safety tips can lead to serious burns, injuries, or even worse! In 2012, an estimated 9,200 people were treated in emergency rooms for fireworks-related injuries. 36% of this number was under the age of 15. In fact, children between the ages of 10 and 14 are at three times the risk of fireworks-related injuries than the general population.

Quick Facts/Statistics about Fireworks

  • In 2011, fireworks caused about $32 million in direct property damage.fireworks safety, safety training, summer safety, burn safety
  • In 2012, more than 36% of fireworks-related injuries in Indiana were to children under 18 years old.
  • Also in 2012, U.S. hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 8,700 people for fireworks-related injuries.
    • 55% were to the arms/legs combined and 31% were to the head.
  • On Independence Day in a typical year, far more U.S. fires are reported than on any other day, and fireworks account for 2 out of 5 of those fires, more than any other cause of fires.
  • 65% of the fireworks injuries in 2013 occurred during the month surrounding July 4th.
  • Illegal and homemade fireworks were involved in all 8 fireworks-related deaths reported in 2013.
  • Top 2 fireworks types from injuries were Sparklers (31%) and Firecrackers (11%).
    • Sparklers burn at extremely hot temperatures, from 1200 to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit.


And finally, I leave you with the 10 tips to keep you safe this Independence Day.

  1. Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using them.
  2. Avoid buying fireworks that are packaged in brown paper, which is often a sign that the fireworks were made for professional displays and could pose a danger to consumers. And remember, homemade fireworks are also dangerous and illegal!
  3. Never ignite fireworks indoors. Fireworks should only be lit on a smooth, flat surface; and should always be away from buildings, dry vegetation, and flammable materials.
  4. Never ignite fireworks in a metal or glass container.
  5. fireworks safety, safety training, summer safety, burn safetyKeep any type of ladder or pole (used to set up or light fireworks) at least 10 feet from any power lines.
  6. Never point or throw fireworks at a person, animal, or building.
  7. Fireworks should not be used by persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  8. Light fireworks one at a time, then back away quickly. Never place any part of your body directly over the fireworks themselves when lighting the fuse and never attempt to relight a “dud.”
  9. Have a fire extinguisher, water hose, or water-filled bucket nearby. Fireworks stay hot for a bit after they’ve burned out. Douse and dispose!
  10. Never allow young children to use fireworks. This includes sparklers, as they burn at temperatures hot enough to melt some metals. For older children, always have adult supervision when they are using or around fireworks. (Glowsticks make a great alternative to fireworks for young children).

Remember to stay safe this holiday and practice situational awareness. Accidents are preventable, if we practice good safety culture. 

And remember, July is also National UV Safety Month! Head over to our previous July blog article covering safety tips to beat the heat. Click here to read 5+ Tips to Survive UV Safety Month this July.

Safety Training Services is here for ALL your safety needs! Whether its OSHA compliant safety training, first aid kits & fire extinguisher, equipment & supplied air rentals, field (rescue) work, or consulting, STS can help you and your company! Click here for 'Real Experience. Real Training. Real Results.'

Tags: burn safety, osha training, summer safety, fireworks safety, safety training

Safety Training, Not JUST Important in June!

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Mon, Jun 16, 2014 @ 09:30 AM

In 1996, the National Safety Council (NSC) established June as National Safety Month tonational safety council increase awareness of key safety issues. The idea is to decrease the number of unintentional injuries and deaths. NSC is also aligned with government agencies, such as OSHA, to help strengthen the influence of compliance in workplace safety.

The 2014 theme for National Safety Month is “Safety: It takes all of us.” Each week of National Safety Month focuses on a specific safety venue: workplace, traffic, home, and community. For example, the 2014 safety issues are as follows:

Prevent prescription drug abuse

Prescription drug abuse is the intentional use of a medication without having a prescription for it. This also includes using prescription drugs in ways other than intended or prescribed. Prescription drug abuse has become a serious safety issue. As of 2013, it was the second most widespread drug issue in the United States.

Here are some tips to stay safe with your medications:

  1. health, safety, medicationKeep your meds in a secure place. Leaving them out in plain view can lead to theft.
  2. Keep track of your medicine. Know how many pills you have, and what they look like.
  3. Don’t share any medications.
  4. Dispose of your meds correctly.
    • Keep meds in original container.
    • Remove your information
    • For pills, add water/soda to dissolve them; for liquids, use cat litter or dirt.
    • Close and secure with duct tape.
    • The disguised & sealed container can now be thrown out with the normal trash.

Stop slips, trips, and falls

Some of the worst yet most common type of office injuries in the workplace, but they are also the easiest to correct.

Common causes of slips are:
  • wet or oily surfaces
  • occasional spills
  • weather hazards
  • loose, unanchored rugs or mats
  • flooring or other walking surfaces that do not have same degree of traction in all areas
Common causes of tripping are:
  • obstructed view
  • poor lighting
  • clutter in your way
  • wrinkled carpeting
  • uncovered cables
  • bottom drawers not being closed
  • uneven (steps, thresholds) walking surfaces
Before any other preventative measures should be taken, good housekeeping should practiced:
  • slips, trips, falls, safety, osha 10Clean all spills immediately
  • Mark spills and wet areas
  • Mop/sweep debris from floors
  • Remove obstacles from walkways and always keep them free of clutter
  • Secure mats, rugs and carpets that do not lay flat
  • Always close file cabinet or storage drawers
  • Cover cables that cross walkways
  • Keep working areas and walkways well lit
  • Replace used light bulbs and faulty switches
Falls are the second-leading cause of unintentional death in homes and communities, resulting in more than 25,000 fatalities in 2009. Slips, trip and fall injuries cost employers approximately $40,000 per incident.

Be aware of your surroundings

Contact with objects is the second leading cause of cases with days away from work. This includes:

  • Being struck against an object
  • Struck by an object 
  • Caught in an object or equipment
  • Caught in collapsing material

Here are some tips to help prevent injury from contact with objects:

  • Neatly store loose materials
  • Secure items that are stored at a height
  • Store heavy objects close to the floor
  • Open one filing cabinet drawer at a time to prevent a tip-over
  • Wear the proper PPE for your environment
  • Always walk behind moving equipment, if possible
  • Never obstruct your vision by overloading moving equipment
  • Only operate equipment that you are properly trained to use
  • Make sure all the safety devices on your equipment are in good working order before use
  • Use extra caution around corners and near doorways

Put an end to distracted driving

Driving while using a cell phone has been a part of our culture. What, to some, can be seen as a necessity, others realize how dangerous it really is. Whether its business or personal, we need to remind ourselves that this is a potentially life-altering activity. Here are some tips from the National Safety Council about how to break this bad habit.

  • distracted driver cell phoneSchedule calls for times when you will not be driving.
  • Tell other people not to call you when they know you are driving.
  • Plan your day ahead of time so you won’t need to use a cell phone while driving.
  • Change your voicemail greeting to something like: “Hi, you’ve reached (insert name). I’m either away from my phone or I’m driving. Please leave me a message.” You can also let callers know approximately what time you will be available again so they know when to expect to hear from you.
  • If a ringing phone is too tempting, get in the habit of silencing your phone before you start to drive, or lock it in the trunk or glove box.
  • Work with your coworkers and family members on breaking the habit and hold each other accountable.
  • Allow enough time during your commute for stops so you can pull over and park in a safe location to check email and voicemail messages.
  • Consider using call-blocking technology when you are driving.
  • Remember, hands-free devices don’t make you safer—while they allow for one more hand to be placed on the steering wheel, they do not reduce cognitive distraction to the brain.

Remember, accidents are preventable. There is almost always no reason for them other than a lack of training. Be sure to take an appropriate amount of time daily, weekly, monthly, annually to have safety meetings, training days, etc. If you are interested or have any questions regarding safety training or any question on frequency of training, contact STS.

Tags: osha training, safety training, june safety, safety training tips, national safety month

AWP Training 3: Trainer Attributes, Dealer Roles and Record Retention

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Mon, Oct 14, 2013 @ 11:00 AM

In today's article, we will finish up our topic of AWPs, or aerial work platforms, with information on the roles of the trainer and of the dealer. Previously, we discussed 'Tips, Training, and Current Issues' and 'Compliance, Training and Familiarization'

Role of the Trainer

As we stated in a previous article, the ANSI A92 Standards have already defined a qualified person. This relates to both operators and trainers:

Qualified person. One who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the subject matter, the work, or the project.”


Per the “Statement of Best Practices of General Training and Familiarization for Aerial Work Platform Equipment,” here is a suggested list of attributes a trainer will need in order to successfully educate operators:


    • Must know the rules, regulations and standards.AWP training, aerial lift training, osha training, safety training
    • Needs to have knowledge of the equipment, the operator safety manual, warning decals and placards.
    • Possess awareness of potential hazards and the means to protect against identified hazards.
    • Be able to identify and avoid potential workplace hazards.
    • Understands manufacturer’s guidelines for proper/improper use and application of the equipment.
    • Knows the consequences of improper use and application of the equipment.
    • Has a good safety record that is based on consistent implementation of the rules.


    • Possess good communication and presentation skills when speaking with groups or individuals.
    • Knows and understands the teaching methods and learning styles of adult learners.
    • Be able to obtain acknowledgement from the operator that he/she can implement the training.
    • Has the ability to deliver training in a manner and language appropriate to ensure understanding by the audience.


    • awp training, aerial lift training, osha training, safety trainingPossesses a concern for the welfare of others so trainers can serve as a safety advocate.
    • Be intuitive and perceptive with people, i.e., can “read” the audience.
    • Works in a confident and honest manner with people.

Role of the Dealer

If you were to rent aerial equipment, you may wonder what the role of the dealer who provides you with the rental equipment is. Do they provide training? Familiarization?

General Training

boom lift training, aerial lift, boom lift, awp training, aerial lift trainingIt is the dealer’s responsibility to assist its customers in identifying training resources in order to satisfy its operator training obligations. Some dealers may provide training for their customers; others may choose to offer other training resources such as recommending a training company or getting the customer information on the manufacturer. Potential training resources are any entity offering instruction by a qualified instructor following an appropriate training program. This may be the manufacturer, rental company, independent training company or internal resources of the employer who rented the equipment. 

ANSI/SIA A92 Standards Section 5.7 (Responsibilities of Dealers) state:

Training. The dealer shall offer appropriate training to facilitate owners, users, and operators to comply with requirements set forth in this standard regarding inspection, maintenance, use, application, and operation of the aerial platform.”

Nothing states that the dealer must accomplish this training itself. Remember, the responsibility for conducting proper operator training has always been on the user and the individual employer. The dealer must offer training or direct the customer to a selection of reasonably available resources to ensure proper training of the customer’s personnel.


It is the dealer/rental company’s responsibility to provide familiarization to the designated person(s) receiving the equipment.

ANSI/SIA A92.5 and A92.6 Standards Section 5.8 (Responsibilities of Dealers) state:awp training, scissor lift, scissor lift training, aerial lifts, aerial lift training, genie scissor

Familiarization upon delivery. Upon delivery by sale, lease, rental or any form of use, the dealer shall have the responsibility with the person designated by the receiving entity for accepting the aerial platform to:
    1. Identify the weather resistant compartment (for manual(s)
    2. Confirm that the manual(s), as specified by the manufacturer, are on the aerial platform.
    3. Review control functions.
    4. Review safety devices specific to the model aerial platform being delivered.”

Record Retention

Whenever general training or familiarization takes place, documentation should be made to verify that said training/familiarization has been completed. An optional validation of training may come in the form of a certificate or an ID card. These documents should include the information/standards trained on under ANSI/SIA A92.

Copyright All rights reserved by Dave Wilson CumbriaThe documentation (for verification) of training/familiarization should include the following information and should be retained for a period of four years as required by the ANSI/SIA A92 Standards:

  • Name of the operator or person receiving familiarization
  • Date of training/familiarization
  • Equipment covered in training/familiarization
  • Identity of the person(s) performing the training/familiarization

Image by Horrgakx on Flickr.


Remember Safety Training Services, Inc. the next time you need aerial lift training! If you simply have questions on training, you can click here! Or click the button below to find out more about our AWP Training.

Show me the AWP training!

Tags: osha training, aerial lift safety training, awp training, aerial lift training, aerial lift operator training, aerial work platform training, awp safety, scissor lift safety, boom lift training

Aerial Lift Training (Pt 2): Compliance, Training and Familiarization

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Fri, Oct 04, 2013 @ 12:00 PM

We wrote last week about the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), what exactly aerial work platforms (AWPs) are, the current issues facing the industry, and some tips to keep you safe on an AWP. This week, we will focus on compliance requirements, operator familiarization and general training.


ANSI standards heavily promote safety by developing recommendations and guidelines; however these standards are to be considered best practices, and are not laws or regulations. Compliance with ANSI standards is voluntary.

OSHA, OSHA training, OSHA safety, AWP OSHAThe Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), a government agency that issues and enforces regulations for employers to ensure workplace health and safety. These regulations are often referred to as standards, but they are in fact laws and compliance is mandatory.

So Why Comply?

It is true that ANSI is voluntary, and OSHA is mandatory, however it is to be noted that the OSHA regulations were in fact based on ANSI standards. Basically, once OSHA adopts the ANSI standards as their own, they no longer are voluntary and become law.

AWP, AWP Safety, AWP Training, aerial lift trainingDespite ANSI standards being voluntary, it is in every company’s best interest to comply. Because OSHA law many times is adopted from ANSI standards, the standards in the ANSI handbook are considered a consensus of what’s best to keep employees safe and because of this OSHA can decide that the company is not “free from recognized hazards” and cite the company for the “general duty” clause for not following ANSI standards. So as it turns out, ANSI standards may not be as “voluntary” as expressed. Keep yourself and your employee’s safe, by following the ANSI guidebooks as mandatory as OSHA law.


Prior to use of an AWP, the operator must be trained before operation of the unit. This training should include the inspection, application, recognition, and avoidance of hazards associated with the equipment. As stated earlier, familiarization of the specific model of equipment should also be received prior to operating. Here is outline of each as stated by ANSI A92 Standards.

TrainingAWP training, AWP safety, aerial lift training

  • Essentially what prepares an operator to operate AWP
  • Can teach multiple pieces of equipment of a particular type
  • Covers broad types (push-around, boom lifts, scissor lifts, trailer-mounted boom lifts), as opposed to specific manufacturer/models
  • Includes classroom/”formal” training as well as “hands-on”/practical

ANSI A92.5 & A92.6 extensively cover instructions for operators regarding the inspection, application and operation of AWP equipment. Proper training should include, but not limited to the following issues and requirements:

  • Actual operation of the aerial platform performed “under the direction of a qualified person.”
  • Trainee is to operate the aerial platform(s) for a sufficient period of time to demonstrate proficiency in the actual operation of all functions of the aerial platform.
  • Much of the training should take place in the classroom.
  • Regulations and standards shall be discussed.
  • The need to perform workplace inspections.
  • Recognition and avoidance of common hazards.
  • Operator warnings and instructions.
  • The purpose, location and use of manuals.
  • A proper, full pre-start inspection.
  • Factors affecting stability.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) for use on AWPs.
  • General equipment components.
  • Safe use of equipment.
  • The proper selection of the AWP equipment for the job at hand.
  • The application and understanding of typical options that are likely associated with larger machines: e.g. outriggers/stabilizers, extendable axles, etc.

awp training, awp safety, aerial lift trainingWhen properly trained, an operator is ready to operate any like-type of AWP as long as they are familiarized with the controls/safety devices of the other like-type equipment. Remember, when training takes place on a particular model of equipment, you must become “familiar” with other equipment models that were not included in the initial instruction so as not to put the operator at risk of danger/injury because of failure to know specific controls/safety devices. For example,  certain manufacturers/models have different emergency lowering procedures, so familiarization is just as critical as general training. You wouldn’t want to be stuck up 30 ft in the air on a scissor lift with no one around, not knowing how to get down!

Familiarizationawp training, safety training, aerial lift training

  • Prepares an operator to operate specific manufacturers/models of AWP equipment (once general training has taken place)
  • For use in operating a foreign manufacturer/model of AWP to a qualified operator
  • Example: Manufacturer X Model XXX, Manufacturer Y Model YYY, Manufacturer Z Model ZZZ
  • Prior to use of unfamiliarized AWP; look through/use of manual & a someone familiar with model

ANSI A92.5 and A92.6 Standards (Section 8.5.3, specifically) state that:

“When an operator is directed to operate an aerial platform he/she is not familiar with, the operator shall receive instructions regarding the following items:
  1. The location of the weather resistant compartment (for manual storage).
    1. It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that the correct manuals are in fact on board the unit as required by Section 8.2 of ANSI A2 Standards and that he/she be familiar with the manuals and reference them as required in Section 8.2.1.
  2. The purpose and function of all controls.
  3. Safety devices and operating characteristics specific to the aerial platform.”

awp training, safety training, osha aerial lift, aerial lift trainingRemember, familiarization must be facilitated by a qualified person. Only someone who is already trained and qualified may self-familiarize by reading and understanding the manual/operating instructions. Always refer to the operator’s manual if you have any questions, you might be surprised to find out how much information is actually in there!





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Tags: osha training, OSHA, aerial lift safety training, awp training, osha compliance, aerial lift training, aerial lift operator training, aerial work platform training, awp safety

Aerial Lift Training: Tips, Training, and Current Issues

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Thu, Sep 26, 2013 @ 12:00 PM

An aerial work platform is, as ANSI defines it, a mobile or manually propelled device that has an adjustable position platform, supported from ground level by a structure.


Aerial lift training, AWP training, ANSI

ANSI stands for American National Standards Institute, who facilitates the development ofAmerican National Standards (ANS) by accrediting the procedures of standards developing organizations (SDOs). These groups work cooperatively to develop voluntary national consensus standards.

Their mission, according to their website, is “to enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity.”

Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs)

Aerial Training, aerial lift training, AWP trainingAWP equipment is very useful. It allows users access to usually inaccessible areas, usually at height. They can be used by maintenance workers, construction workers, firefighters (for emergency access); all while being operated by a single person (most models). AWPs can not only be used for transportation and/or access to certain areas, but also can be equipped with electrical outlets, compressed air (for power tools), and other specialist equipment.

There are many programs available for training operators of this equipment. Many of these training programs offer much to students regardless of their level of experience with AWPs. In fact, it is the differences in experience within the students in the class that usually makes for a great training atmosphere and allows every student to leave the training with some good information they didn’t know before.

Current Issues Facing the Industry

  • Understanding the importance of proper general training and familiarization
    • This is too often overlooked; you wouldn’t want someone on the road who simply ‘skimmed’ a driver’s manual and has not familiarized themselves with the make/model of the vehicle they’re driving, would you? So why send someone onto a machine in which they know very little about?
  • Improper training
    • Does driver’s ed simply show you a 15 minute video presentation, give you a driver’s license and wish you luck on the road? Heck no!
  • Confusion between general training and familiarization
    • Do you know the difference? Here’s how ANSI defines the two:
      • Familiarization: “Providing information regarding the control functions and safety devices for the aerial work platform(s) to a qualified person or operator who controls the movement of the aerial work platform(s) being delivered.”
      • General Training: “Instruction to enable the trainee to become a qualified person regarding the task to be performed, including knowledge regarding potential hazards.”
  • Misunderstanding of who is qualified to be a trainer
    • ANSI defines a ‘qualified person’ as follows (this pertains to operators and trainers alike):
      • “One who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the subject matter, the work, or the project.”
  • Need for clarification of all AWP equipment  stakeholders’ responsibilities
    • ANSI is looking to address certain issues in an updated version of the standards.
  • Impact on insurance
    • Although, in a general sense, with appropriate training “accidents” are less likely to happen and therefore less insurance would be claimed/paid out.

Aerial lift training, aerial work platform training, aerial lift safety trainingIn next week’s blog article, we will address many of these issues and shed light upon how to be ‘appropriately’ trained to use an AWP. This should serve as a thought-provoking piece until then, when we will discuss training, being ‘qualified’ and the importance of familiarization for the operator.

I will however, share with you some AWP safety tips. These are very important to follow, as the equipment being operated is potentially dangerous if operated incorrectly. Failure to follow these tips could result in serious injury, or worse. Stay safe, ingrain these in your head, and come back next week for additional best practices for aerial work platforms!

Aerial Work Platform Safety Tips

  1. Make sure that workers who operate aerial lifts are properly trained inAerial lift training, aerial work platform training, aerial lift safety training the safe use of the equipment.
  2. Maintain and operate elevating work platforms according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Never override hydraulic, mechanical, or electrical safety devices.
  4. Never move the equipment with workers in an elevated platform unless this is permitted by the manufacturer.
  5. Do not allow workers to position themselves between overhead hazards, such as joists and beams, and the rails of the basket. Movement of the lift could crush the worker(s).
  6. Aerial lift training, aerial work platform training, aerial lift safety trainingMaintain a minimum clearance of at least 10 feet, or 3 meters, away from the nearest energized overhead lines.
  7. Always treat power lines, wires and other conductors as energized, even if they are down or appear to be insulated.
  8. Use a body harness or restraining belt with a lanyard attached to the boom or basket to prevent the worker(s) from being ejected or pulled from the basket.
  9. Set the brakes and use wheel chocks when on an incline.
  10. Use outriggers, if provided.
  11. Do not exceed the load limits of the equipment. Allow for the combined weight of the worker, tools and materials.






Safety Training Services, Inc. offers aerial work platform training for you and your workers! Our AWP training can be customized to include scissor, boom lift, or both. We provide the participant the necessary knowledge regarding the units operation, hazards and safeguards. This course consists of classwork, written testing and (hands-on) practical evaluation.

Aerial lift training, aerial work platform training, aerial lift safety trainingTraining is administered by professional safety trainers, specialized in delivering operator training for aerial equipment with an engaging course that exposes participants to multi-media content, cause & effect accident videos and current events. We also provide on-site training at your location, alleviating the need for participant travel.

All participants are issued course completion certificate and photo ID cards, (with successful course completion). We provide and maintain all necessary recordkeeping and make it available to our customer whenever you may need it. This training will help to minimize “loss time accidents” and help to maintain or improve your EMR – Experience Modification Rating.



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Tags: osha training, aerial lift safety training, awp training, aerial lift training, aerial work platform training

Top 10 OSHA Violations & How Safety Training Services Can Assist You

Posted by Joshua Fleishman on Thu, Feb 14, 2013 @ 12:02 PM


During their 2012 fiscal year (which ran from October 2011 through September 2012), federal OSHA conducted almost 41,000 workplace safety and health inspections. Very interestingly enough, it seemed as though companies didn’t take the hint from the previous year in that the top cited violation is not only still number 1, but actually increased from fiscal year 2011. Below, you find the top 10 citations they handed out to companies for 2012 and further down you may be interested to see the previous year’s top 10 as well.


OSHA Top 10 ViolationsOSHA’s Top 10 for 2012

          1. Fall Protection--General Requirements (1926.501) 7,250 violations (No change)

          2. Hazard Communication (1910.1200): 4,696 violations (Up 1)

          3. Scaffolding (1926.451): 3,814 violations (Down 1)

          4. Respiratory Protection (1910.134): 2,371 violations (No change)

          5. Ladders (1926.1053): 2,310 violations (Up 3)

          6. Machine Guarding (1910.212): 2,097 violations (Up 4)

          7. Powered Industrial Trucks (1910.178): 1,993 violations (No change)

          8. Electrical--Wiring Methods (1910.305): 1,744 violations (Down 2)

          9. Lockout/Tagout (1910.147): 1,572 violations (Down 4)

          10. Electrical--General Requirements (1910.303): 1,332 violations (Down 1)


OSHA’s Top 10 for 2011

  1. Fall Protection--General requirements (1926.501): 7,139 violations
  2. Scaffolding (1926.451): 7,069 violations
  3. Hazard Communication (1910.1200): 6,538 violations
  4. Respiratory Protection (1910.134): 3,944 violations
  5. Lockout/Tagout (1910.147): 3,639 violations
  6. Electrical--Wiring Methods (1910.305): 3,584 violations
  7. Powered Industrial Trucks (1910.178): 3,432 violations
  8. Ladders (1926.1053): 3,244 violations
  9. Electrical--General Requirements (1910.303): 2,863 violations
  10. Machine Guarding (1910.212): 2,748 violations

Don't become a statistic!

So what should you do, now armed with this knowledge? Well, first thing is get up and simply take a look around your office/plant/factory. Do you see any of these standards violated? In the safety world, if you think you have a problem....chances are you do! If you do not know you have violations or do not know how to look for them, that's perfectly understandable--you are not alone. This is where Safety Training Services can help!

Your next step should be to identify these issues. Have you found them to be problems in training (or lack thereof)? Or retraining (annual refresher courses)? Unsatisfied with previous training/trainers? Remember, ignorance is bliss....until you get a visit from OSHA. We will train (and/or retrain) you and your employees on OSHA compliance & other safety-related courses. Our site or yours, our hands-on courses will provide you with appropriate training to keep you safe and trained consistent to OSHA requirements.

Maybe your issue is equipment? Whether you need new, used, rentals, servicing or just to figure out what equipment to use for a specific job, speaking to one of our professionals in our Technical division will help you find the right tool for the job in whatever capacity necessary. 

Or simply contact our safety consulting division at (219) 554-2180 and found out how we will help identify problems and conduct a safety-related gap analysis for your company. 

Contact STS Today!

Tags: osha training, safety training, osha compliance, safety training services, osha violations